Patent details

Title: Haptens, Conjugates and Antibodies for the fungicide pyrimethanil
Inventors: A. Abad Somovilla, C. Agulló Blanes, A. Abad Fuentes, J. V. Mercader Badía
Application number: WO2013/110837 Al
Priority date: 01/08/2013
Titular entity: Universidad de Valencia and CSIC

The invention relates to haptens, conjugates and antibodies for pyrimethanil fungicide. In addition, the invention relates to the use of pyrimethanil conjugates as assay antigens or irnmunogens in order to obtain antibodies of the aforementioned fungicide, and to the use of the labelled derivatives of pyrimethanil as assay antigens. The invention also relates to a pyrimethanil analysis method using the antibodies obtained, at times together with assay antigens which are conjugates or labelled derivatives. The invention also provides a kit for analysing pyrimethanil, which inc1udes antibodies of said fungicide, at times together with assay antigens which are conjugates or labelled derivatives.
